Italian Play – Call for Participants

“Teatro significa vivere davvero quello che gli altri, nella vita, recitano male.” ― Eduardo De Filippo

Are you interested in the beauty of acting? Do you want an opportunity to perform in an Italian-language show? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!

Renowned professional theatre director Ludovico Nolfi is returning to Cambridge to put on another Italian classic, written by Eduardo De Filippo.

The initial workshop will be held online and is open to everyone!

If you would like to take part in the workshop, please fill this form by the 24 November or contact us for more information at

Gianni Rodari Virtual Theatre Show 2021

🎭📜 The Cambridge University Italian Society is pleased to invite you to the Gianni Rodari Virtual Theatre Show 2021, “L’alfabeto della creatività: un omaggio a Gianni Rodari”, a virtual theatrical performance on the power of creativity and imagination based on a selection of texts by Italian children’s literature writer Gianni Rodari, directed by Ludovico Nolfi.

Massimo D’Alema: Austerity and Economic Policies in Europe, King’s College, Keynes Hall

In this lecture, President D’Alema will discuss the implications of the adoption throughout the European continent of austerity on today’s economic policies. Austerity gained renewed momentum after the publication of Growth in a Time of Debt by Rogoff and Reinhart, which came at a moment of global economic recession following the 2007-8 crisis. German Chancellor

Paolo Gentiloni: Is European Populism here to Stay?, St. John’s College, Palmerston Room (with St. John’s Palmerston Society)

Is there a disconnection between the European leadership and the European public behind the rise of populist parties? Can a populist triumph in the upcoming European election be averted? Former Italian PM Paolo Gentiloni argues that the continent’s centre-left has lost the trust of citizens. However, in his latest book The Impopulist Challenge (La Sfida

Raffaele Stella Brienza: A Senior Designer’s Perspective, Trinity Hall College, Bridge Tower Room (with the Trinity Hall Luxury & Business Society)

Ever wondered what it takes to become a designer and launch your own brand? Come along to our next THFLGS talk to find out more! Our guest speaker is Raffaele Stella Brienza, Senior Designer at Patrizia Pepe and creative director and founder of Mani del Sud. Raffaele will share with us the journey he underwent